THE BLACK HERALD N°3 - Septembre 2012 (13/09/2012)
The Black Herald
Issue #3 - Septembre 2012
Literary magazine – Revue de littérature
90 pages - 15€ / £13 / $19 - ISBN 978-2-919582-04-4
Poetry, short fiction, prose, essays, translations.
Poésie, fiction courte, prose, essais, traductions.
With / avec W.S. Graham, Gregory Corso, Andrew Fentham, Louis Calaferte, Iain Britton, Jos Roy, Tristan Corbière, Michael Lee Rattigan, Clayton Eshleman, Denis Buican, John Taylor, César Vallejo, Anne-Sylvie Homassel, Cécile Lombard, Gary J. Shipley, Rosemary Lloyd, Bernard Bourrit, Mylène Catel, Nicolas Cavaillès, Ernest Delahaye, Sébastien Doubinsky, Gerburg Garmann, Michel Gerbal, Allan Graubard, Sadie Hoagland, James Joyce, João Melo, Andrew O’Donnell, Kirby Olson, Devin Horan, Dominique Quélen, Nathalie Riera, Paul B. Roth, Alexandra Sashe, Will Stone, Anthony Seidman, Ingrid Soren, August Stramm, Pierre Troullier, Romain Verger, Anthony Vivis, Elisabeth Willenz, Mark Wilson, Paul Stubbs, Blandine Longre et des essais sur / and essays about Charles Baudelaire, Francis Bacon. Images: Ágnes Cserháti, Olivier Longre, Will Stone, Devin Horan. Design: Sandrine Duvillier.
The Black Herald
is edited by Paul Stubbs and Blandine Longre
Comité de rédaction : Paul Stubbs et Blandine Longre
■ Black Herald Press
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